Unit : 8
1. Who were Aryans?
◻️The people who spoke the Indo-European language Sanskrit came to be called as Aryans.
2. Name the first literary work in Sanskrit.
➡️ *The Rigveda*
3. What were the evidences available on the arrival of the Aryans in the Sapta Sindhu region in India.
⚽ The horse skeletons
⚽ The remnants of the chariots
4. What were the peculiarities of the life of the people in the Sapta Sindhu region?
⏹️ Belonged to different tribes
⏹️ Each tribe comprised of many Families.
⏹️ Tribal assemblies to assist the tribal heads.
⏹️ Assemblies were known as *Vidatha, Sabha and Samithi*.
⏹️ Occupations- cattle rearing and farming.
5. The society was stratified in the Rigvedic period on the basis of occupation. Make a flow chart.
➡️ Priests
➡️ Soldiers
➡️ Common People
6. What was the term Gavishti means for?
➡️ The battles fought by the Aryans for cattle and pastoral grounds are known as gavishti.
7.What are the features of the life of the Aryans in the Sapta Sindhu region?
๐ The society was stratified on the basis of occupation.
๐ The beliefs of the Aryans were simple and based on nature worship.
๐ Main deity was Lord Indra.
๐ Worshipped other Gods, namely Agni, Varuna, Maruthi and Surya.
๐ Undertook various rituals and special prayers for increasing their cattle wealth.
8.What were the reasons for the migration of Aryans into the Gangetic plain?
➡️ Increase in population
➡️ Deposite of iron ore
➡️ In search of new pastures.
➡️ Presence of alluvial soil
9. The use of iron brought many changes in the life of the Aryans. Analyse?
⚽ Cleared the forests using iron implements.
⚽ Started farming in the fields using iron ploughshare.
⚽ With the expansion of agriculture, the Aryans were transformed into a settled society.
10. What was *Janapada*?
✅ The place where the nomadic people (Aryans) started to settle permenantly came to be known
as *Janapada*.
11. What was known as ' *bali* ' and ' *bhaga'*?
๐ The farmers started the system of giving a part of their yield as tax to the king in return for
protecting agricultural land. It was known as ' *bali*' and ' *bhaga* '.
12. Make a flow chart about the society of the Aryans in the Gangetic plain.
➡️ Brahman (Priests)
➡️ Kshatriyas (Rulers, Military officers)
➡️ Vaishyas ( Trade, Agriculture, cattle rearing)
➡️ Shudras ( Serving higher varnas)
13. Great changes occured in beliefs and customs during the life of Gangetic plain. Justify.
✍๐ป Lord Indra and Agni lost their prominence.
✍๐ป The Gods like Prajapati and Vishnu became more and more important.
✍๐ป Complicated and complex ways of worship.
✍๐ป Means of worship and religious practices including the sacrifice of animals became costly.
✍๐ป The priests became more powerful.
14. Name the most prominent cities emerged in gangetic plain.
▶️ Rajagriha, Sravasthi, Vaishali, Benares, Kushinagara and Kausambhi.
15. What were the factors that prompted social changes in gangetic plains?
◻️The increase of yagas and the animal sacrifice in association with them adversely affected the
progress of agriculture.
◻️ With an increase in rituals and sacrifices, the priests started amassing wealth and thereby,
exerted supremacy over others.
◻️ With the growth of trade and cities, the Vaishyas became wealthy. Though they were wealthy,
they were placed in a lower position in the society.
*Towards the Gangetic Plain*
16. Write short note on the philosophy and outlook of Buddha.
◻️The concept of Ahimsa
■ Gave importance to human beings
Gave importance to one's own karma
Life if full of miseries and that the cause of all suffering was human desire
■ Prayers and rituals or practices of any kind would never put an end to this suffering\
Gave importance to the moral lives of people.
17. Which was the main tenets of Buddhism?
๐ The Tripitakas, written in Pali language.
18. Write short note about the contribution of Buddhism to the Indian culture.
๐ The administrative system of the 'Sanghas' which were formed for spreading Buddhism helped the growth of democratic and value oriented awareness in the society.
๐ The progress in the field of art and architecture (caves, chaityas (temples), viharas (monasteries) and pillars.
๐ Major role in promoting trade and cultural relations between India and neighbouring countries.
๐ Important role in the progress of education.
19. Name the main centres of Buddhism.
Myanmar, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, Java and Sumatra.
20. Name the key centres of education and Buddhist teachings in India.
➡️ The universities of Nalanda, Taxila and Vikramasila.
21. Write down the reasons for the decline of Buddhism.
■ Buddhist teachings and ideologies failed to receive much support from the later rulers.
◻️ Buddhism lost its grandeur when it was split into two sects - the Mahayana and the Hinayana.
◻️The revival of vedic religion adversely affected the progress of Buddhism.
22. Who propagated Jainism.
■ Vardhamana Mahavira
23. Jainism brought radical changes in the Indian society. Justify.
⚽ Advised the people to lead right life by following the principles of right belief, right knowledge and right action.
⚽ The Jain saints were abstained from telling lies, killing, stealing and acquiring wealth.
⚽ Followed celibacy in life.
⚽ Encouraged construction of stone pillars, cave temples and statues.
24. Write the best example for the statues constructed by Jains.
◻️The statue of Gomatheshwar in Sravanabalgola in Karnataka.
25. Write the reason for the decline of Jainism.
◻️The separation of the followers of Jainism into Svetambaras and Digambaras resulted in the decline of the religion.
26. List out the common feature of both Buddhism and Jainism.
◻️They used the language of the common man - Pali and Prakrit- for propogating their ideologies.
◻️Laid great importance on ahimsa.
◻️Against vedic practices and caste system.
26. Write the reasons why Magadha turned out to be a political power.
◻️Rich deposits of iron ore enabled the making of weapons and farming equipments.
■ Ganga and her tributaries made Magadha a fertile land.
◻️ Trees from nearby forests in the Gangetic plains were used for making big boats to facilitate trade.
■ Made use of elephants in battles.
◻️Progress in agriculture and commerce.
◻️Water transportation.
◻️Powerful kingship and highly efficient military.
27. What are the factors that prompted Alexander to attack India?
✅ To capture all regions under the Persian emperor.
✅ To spread Greek culture.
28. What are the factors that prompted Cyrus to attack India?
๐ The knowledge of the wealth of India.
๐ The lack of unity among the rulers in the north western region.
29. Make a table about the results of the invasions of the Persians and Macedonia.
✍๐ป Trade relations between Persia and India increased.
✍๐ป A new script named kharoshti was introduced.
✍๐ป Influenced Indian sculpture.
✍๐ป Persian gold coins were circulated in India.
✍๐ป Trade relations with Europe were strengthened.
✍๐ป New trade routes both land and sea developed.
✍๐ป Geographical knowledge increased.
✍๐ป Greek architecture introduced in India.
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