Chapter - 6
1. Different religions came to India at different periods. This led to the formation of new ideas in the medieval period. Name it.
■ Bhakti and the Sufi movements.
2. Who were Sufis?
The Sufis were those who showed reluctance to luxurious life and gave
predominance to spiritual life.
3. Examine the role of Sufism in developing culutral synthesis among different sections of people during the medieval period.
■Consider devotion as a means to reach close to the God.
◻️Reciting devotional songs is a way to get close to God.
◻️Believed that one who really loves the God will be close to God as well as the people around him.
■ They preached to respect all human beings
Maintain relations among different religions.
4. Explain the follwing words related to the Sufi Movement.
a) Pir or Shaikh - The Sufi saint.
b) Murid - Followers of the Sufi saint
c) Khanqahs - The residences of the Sufis.
d) Qawwalis - The devotional songs reciting in the Sufi centres.
5. Write the features of early Bhakti traditions.
◻️Its propagators were the saints who were Bhakti poets.
■ Challenged the conservative Brahmanic traditions.
◻️Provided representation to the lower castes and women.
◻️Rendered contributions in the field of culture and music.
6. The Bhakti movement was led by the Alwars and the Nayanars. What were the difference and similarities between them?
◻️The Alwars were Vaishnavites
The Nayanars, Saivites.
◻️They composed and propagated devotional songs.
◻️Both the Alwars and the Nayanars opposed caste inequalities.
7. Name any two women saints of Bhakti movement.
■ Andal (Vaishnavite) Karakkal(Saivite)
8. Name the author of Vachana Sahityam.
■ Basavanna
9. Name the movement that emerged in Karnataka in the 12th century.
◻️The Virasaiva movement
10. Who were Lingayats?
๐ As the Virasaivas wore siva linga in the neck, they are known as the Lingayats.
11. Who was the leader of Virasaiva movement?
■ Basavanna
12. Write the ideas of Virasaiva movement.
◻️Opposed caste system
Upheld the dignity of Labour.
■ Propagated the ideas of liberty and social justice.
◻️ Questioned the doctrine of rebirth.
■ Promoted widow remarriage, inter dinings and adult marriage
Give priority to gender equality.
13. The Anubhava Mandapam was a democratic platform that came into being in connection with the Lingayats in the 12th century. Justify.
◻️Conference held under the leadership of Basavanna.
◻️People irrespective of caste, religion, gender, etc. were given entry and were allowed to participate in the discussions.
◻️Protests against social inequalities and also led to question caste domination.
14. Write short note about the Vachana Sahityam.
◻️Challenged the primacy of the Vedas.
◻️Encouraged social reforms.
◻️Helped in the progress of Kannada language.
15. Examine the role of the idea of Kabir in promoting religious harmony among different sections of people.
■ Important figure in the Bhakti Movement
■ Reminds that the Hindu and the Muslim are two wares made out of the same soil
and he tried to promote brotherhood between Hinduism and Islam.
■ Propagate a religion of love uniting people of all castes and religions.
■ Opposed all discriminations on the basis of caste, religion, class, family and wealth.
■ Focused on the unity of humanity and vehemently opposed caste system and untouchability.
◻️Rejected idol worship, pilgrimages and bathes in holy rivers.
◻️Not in favour of forsaking family life for accepting sainthood.
■ Ideas of Kabir developed through discussions and deliberations on the basis of the Bhakti-Sufi traditions.
16. Prepare a note on the ideas of Guru Nanak.
◻️Focused on the idea of monotheism.
◻️Tried to combine the ideas of Hinduism and Islam.
■ He was a spokesman of the ideals of religious tolerance and universal brotherhood.
◻️Opposed the rituals of both Hinduism and Islam.
◻️One has to maintain purity in character and behaviour to reach God.
◻️Opposed idol worship and pilgrimages.
◻️Promoted a middle path which permitted spiritual life along with the responsibilities of a householder.
■ Opined that all human beings are equal and hence there is no need of caste.
distinction among them.
■ The ideas of Nanak later led to the emergence of *Sikhism*.
17. Name the prayer songs of Guru Nanak.
18. Write the name of prominent women representation in Bhakti Movement.
■ Poetess Mirabai of Rajastan
Lalded of Kashmir.
■ Bhahinabai of Maharashtra,
Akka Mahadevi of Karnataka
Andal and Karakkal Ammayar of Tamil Nadu.
19. Write the contributions of Mirabai in Bhakti Movement She was a devotee of Krishna.
■ Composed a number of bhajans.
◻️ All these were prayer songs addressing Lord Krishna.
◻️The songs of Mirabai are recited by the people of Gujarat and Rajastan even today.
◻️ Mirabai did not have a band of followers or group of her own.
◻️ Yet she was considered as a source of inspiration even after centuries.
20. Write the results of the Bhakti Movement
◻️Strengthened the concept of social equality against caste discriminations.
■ Gender equality also began to take shape.
◻️Regional languages developed.
■ Evil practices were questioned.
21. How did the Bhakti-Sufi movements promote the growth of regional languages?
◻️The propagators of the Bhakti - Sufi movements spread their ideas through their vernacular languages.
◻️Enable the common people to understand them.
Resulted in the growth of the regional languages
22. Write short note about the role of foreign languages in the growth of Regional languages Out of the relationship between Persian and Hindi, a new language, Urdu, came into being.
■ Urdu was strongly influenced by the languages such as Telugu and Marathi In the Western Coast Arabic influence the regional languages of that area.
■ Because of the influence of the Arabic language, a new mixed dialect, Arabi - Malayalam, evolved in Kerala.
23. Write the influence of Sanskrit during the Middle Ages.
◻️Sanskrit was used in the court of Vijayanagara on festive occasions.
■ Sanskrit prevailed as the language of higher education.
◻️The popular literature of Sanskrit such as the Puranas, Ramayana and the
Mahabharata were available in the regional languages.
24. It was during the medieval period that music was enriched with different forms. Substantiate.
■ Considerable progress was attained by the Carnatic music.
■ A large number of musicians migrated from Deccan to North India.
■ A new music style evolved in North India, due to the influence of Persian music.
◻️ It came to be known as the Hindustani music.(Amir Khusrau)
■ The medieval rulers were patrons of this category of music.
◻️The techniques of Persia were experimented in Indian music.
■ The singing styles such as Khayal and Thumri got popularity.
■ Musical instruments like sitar, sarangi, tabala, etc.also became popular.
■The musical works of Sanskrit were translated into Persian.
■ The work on Music Ragadarpan was translated into Persian.
■ The work Sangeeta Ratnakaram authored by Sarngadevan was an important contribution of medieval India to music.
25. Write the contributions of Medieval India rulers to music.
■ The work on Music Ragadarpan was translated into Persian during the regime of Firoz Shah Thuglaq.
■ Emperor Akbar was a great lover of music.
◻️ Abul Fazl states that 36 musicians were patronized by Akbar.
◻️The most famous among them was Tanzen.
26. Write the features of miniature painting.
◻️This is the style of drawing pictures like the pictures in books.
■ It was a combination of both Indian and Persian styles.
27. Write the contributions of mughal rulers to music.
◻️The Mughal Emperor Humayun contacted Persian artists, and Mir Sayyid Ali and Abdu Samad were brought to his court.
◻️The Mughal style of painting was developed by them.
◻️Painting competitions were organized in the royal institutes (Kharkhana) during the reign of Akbar.
◻️Indian subjects and natural scenes gradually became the themes of painting.
■ The painters of the period showed their proficiency in drawing the pictures of birds and animals.
28. What was the features of Raznama ?Whose work was it?
■ The stories of Mahabharata were completely compiled into a series of painting called Raznama.
■ Daswant
29. Write the contributions of groups of painters during the medieval period.
■ They were from many parts of India such as Gujarat, Kashmir, Deccan,etc.
■ Their paintings were influenced by their respective regional styles.
■ Their paintings were based on the themes of the puranas and stories of both India and Persia.
◻️The wall paintings of that time were also remarkable.
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