Sunday, 12 November 2023

Population, migration, Settlement


Population, Migration , Settlement


1). What is population?

◽ The number of people dwelling at a place during a particular period of time is called 


2. What is the significance of studying information regarding population?

◽Significant in resource planning and resource utilisation of a country.

◽Significant in efficient planning of developmental activities by proper utilisation of available 


3. List the areas that require analysis of population related information.

๐Ÿ”ธ For planning the food grain production.

๐Ÿ”ธ To generate employment opportunities.

๐Ÿ”ธ To formulate welfare schemes.

4). what are the factors that influence the distribution of population?

๐ŸŒŽ Climate

๐ŸŒŽ Urbanization


๐ŸŒŽ Soils

๐ŸŒŽAvailability of water



5. What is called density of population? How will you calculate it?

◽The average population of every square kilometre is called as density of population.

◽ Calculated by dividing the total population by the total land area.

6). Define population growth?

◽Population growth is the change in population of any particular place over a particular period.

7) What is the difference between positive growth of population and negative growth of population?

๐Ÿ‘‰  Situations where the population of a place increase is called positive growth of population.

๐Ÿ‘‰  Situations where the population of a place declines is termed as negative growth of population.

8). What are the three causes for change in population?

◽Birth rate 

◽ Death rate 


9). What is migration?

๐Ÿ“š  Permanent or temporary shifting of residence of people from one place to another is called 


10). What is the difference between immigration and emigration?

✍๐Ÿป  The inward movement of people to a country is called *immigration*.

and the outward migration 

of people from one country to another is called *emigration*.

11. What are the different levels of migration?

  *International migration*


 Migration across

international boundaries.

Eg : Keralites working abroad


*Internal migration*

 Migrations within the country.

Eg : North Indian labourers in the construction sector of Kerala.

*Interstate migration*

 Migration from one state to another.

 Eg : Migration of IT experts from the cities of Kerala to Bengaluru.

*Intrastate migration*

 Migration of people within the state.

Eg : Migration of students from Malappuram to Thrissur

for higher education. 

*Interdistrict Migrations*

  Migrations across

the district boundaries.

*Intra district Migration*

      Occurs within the district boundary. 

12. Find out the pull factors that cause migration?

◽Employment opportunities. 

◽Higher education facilities. 

◽ Better living standards

◽ Good climate

◽ Better treatment

13. Find out the push factors causing migrations?

◽ Resource scarcity

◽ Political unrest


◽Natural calamities

◽Internal conflicts


14. What is the difference between voluntary migrations and forced migrations.

The migrations caused by pull factors of certain regions are called voluntary migrations.

 The migrations provoked by push factors are called forced migrations.

15. Define settlements.

  The clusters of permanent or temporary human habitats of different sizes are termed as settlements.

16. List the major factors considered for the location of settlements.

◽ Favourable climate, 

◽Availability of water,

 ◽Transportation facilities,


 17. Write the features of Rural settlements?

๐Ÿ‘‰  Places with comparatively low population. 

๐Ÿ‘‰ The people largely depend on agriculture for their livelihood. 

๐Ÿ‘‰ Houses are usually constructed using locally available raw materials.

18. Based on their distribution pattern, rural settlements are classified into two. Which are they?

 Write its characteristics.

1) Nucleated settlements. 

✍๐Ÿป In places with favourable conditions, houses are seen in close vicinity of each other. 

✍๐Ÿป Such places of human habitation are called nucleated settlements. 

✍๐Ÿป Formed in the fertile river valley plains.

✍๐Ÿป Well -knit social relationships and identical nature of employment. 

2) Dispersed settlements. 

◽The settlements where houses are located farther apart as seen in are called dispersed settlement.

◽Undulating topography and other unfavourable conditions result in the people living in isolation.

◽ In such settlements the people are brought together by places of worship, markets etc.

19. What do you meant by semi clustered settlements?

 There are some places where the settlements are neither fully nucleated nor dispersed. 

 Such settlements are called semi clustered settlements.

20.  Based on the situations, rural settlements develop in different shapes. Explain. 

*Linear pattern*

Settlement pattern that develops parallel to features such as roads, rivers, coastlines, etc.

*Circular pattern*

 Settlement pattern that develops around features such as water bodies, pastures, places of worship, etc.

*Star pattern*

Settlement pattern that develops at places where different roads converge.

 21. What are urban settlements?

The settlements that generally have a high population which is mostly dependent on non-

agricultural sectors are called urban settlements.

22. In India, a settlement is designated as urban based on some criteria. Which are they?

◽Population above 5000.

◽ Density of population above 400 per square kilometre.

◽ 75% or more of the population should be engaged in non agricultural activities.

23. Based on the size of population, urban centres are known by different names. Explain. 

*Urban centres*

Town Small urban centres having a population of less than 1 lakh. 


Urban centres

having population between 1 lakh and

10 lakh. 


 Big cities having a population of more than 10



 Urban complex

formed by the

union of a number

of cities and

having a population of above 50


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