Wednesday, 29 November 2023

The Blanket of the earth.



1. What is atmosphere?

■ Atmosphere is the blanket of air surrounding the earth.

2. Plants are significant in regulating the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


◻️Through the process of photosynthesis that the plants gather energy for their growth.

■ In this process plants intake carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

3. What are the major constituents of atmosphere?

■ Gases, moisture and dust particles

4. What is the importance of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the existence of life forms.

■ Plants make use of Carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

■ Man and other organisms make use of oxygen for respiration.

◻️Plants make use of nitrogen for their growth through nitrogen fixation.

5. What are the main sources of dust particles in the atmosphere?

◻️Dust particles brought to the atmosphere by wind.

■ Dust particles erupted through volcanoes.

◻️Ash formed by burning of meteors.

6. Why dust particles are called Condensation nuclei?

As the fine dust particles in the atmosphere help in cloud formation they are called as Condensation nuclei.

6. What is the significance of dust particles in the atmosphere.

◻️Frequent condensation concentrating around the fine dust particles in the atmosphere help in cloud formation

7. Why the mountaineers climbing Mount Everest take oxygen cylinders with them?

๐Ÿ“š The gases (oxygen) get rarefied with increasing altitude.

7. Why glass is largely used in the construction of buildings in cold countries?

❄️ Glass panes have the capacity to allow insolation to pass through them and check the terrestrial radiation.

❄️ Thus temperature is maintained within the buildings without fall. So feel hot.

8. How the property of glass is made use of in agricultural sector in cold countries?

๐Ÿ“š  By preventing the terrestrial radiations the temperature required for the growth of plants is retained inside such constructions.

9. What are Green houses?

๐ŸŒณ Greenhouses are glass buildings designed for the protection of plants against excessive cold or heat.

10. Write a short note on Greenhouse effect.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone etc present in the atmosphere can permit insolation and prevents terrestrial radiation.

๐Ÿ‘‰ These gases and water vapour present in the atmosphere absorb the terrestrial radiation and retain the temperature of the atmosphere. This phenomenon is called *Greenhouse effect*.

11. Give three examples of greenhouse gases.

☃️ Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone

12 . Write different sources of greenhouse gases.

๐Ÿ–Š️ Volcanic eruptions,

๐Ÿ–Š️ decay of biological matter (natural means)


๐Ÿ–Š️burning of fossil fuels  (human activities)

13. How deforestation leads to increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

■ Trees remove some of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store that carbon in their tissues and in the soil.

◻️ Deforestation reduces the removal component of this cycle, further increasing the carbon dioxide in the air.

14. What is Global warming?

The increase in temperature in the atmosphere due to greenhouse gases referred as Global warming.

15. How Global warming becomes a threat to the life forms of the earth?

◻️Sea level may rise as a result of melting of polar ice.

◻️ Destruction in the coastal ecosystem may lead to the problems such as food crisis, large scale migration etc.

◻️Leads to the depletion of many species of plants and animals in the ecosystem.

16. Suggest a few alternatives to resist global warming.

◻️ Drive fuel-efficient vehicles

■ Protect trees and forests

17. What is Ozone layer? Write its significance.

◻️As the ozone gas is concentrated in the upper atmosphere as a layer, it is called Ozone layer.

 ■ It protects the life forms of the earth by absorbing the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.

18. List out the negative impacts of ultraviolet rays.

■ Climate change

■ Blindness

■ Skin cancer

◻️ Premature ageing

■ Destruction in food chain

19. What are the sources of gases such as chlorofluorocarbons(CFC) , halon etc.?

■ Refrigerators, air conditioners, different types of sprays, fire extinguishers, paints, etc.

 20. How Ozone hole is formed?

๐Ÿ“š Gases like chlorofluorocarbons, halon etc rising to the upper atmosphere react with ultraviolet rays from the sun to form chlorine and bromine. 

◻️Chlorine and bromine are capable to decay ozone molecules.

◻️This depletion in the atmospheric ozone layer is called as Ozone hole.

21. Which day is celebrated as World Ozone Day? 

■ 16th September

22. What is Normal Lapse Rate?

◻️In the troposphere the temperature decreases at a uniform rate of 1°Celcius for every 165

metres of altitude. 

This is called *Normal Lapse Rate*.

23. Each layer in the atmosphere has its own indigenous characteristics. State the characteristics of each layer in a tabular format.

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